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Changelings get reagents from absorbees
Winklabom Wrote:
sartorius Wrote:Changelings should absorb reagents from the target they drain the DNA of, as well as leftover sting chems from other lings. If a ling drains a passed out crewmember with ketamine in them from another ling, they should fall asleep too. This would prevent chain stinging from multiple changelings making for a really boring round, and make the lings think before they absorb pubbiemcunstablemutagen.

I doubt it would really help in slowing down a changeling's chain stinging, since any good changeling would then just scan their targets before absorbing them.

The dude you just stung is full of nasty poison? Just choke him to death and throw him the pile of corpses waiting for the poisons to decay.

Also, would the changeling be affected by his own neurotoxin when he absorbs a dude ?

However, I do believe that would be an interesting idea otherwise.

(Changeling stings inject 50 units of neurotoxins, by the way)
Chemicals in dead people don't decay, so they'd have to manually remove the chemicals with a syringe...

...or an IV drip, which makes the process of manual detoxification considerably easier.

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