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The New Goonstation Wiki
Dachshundofdoom Wrote:Wrote a Guide to Changeling over on the wiki, linked it to the Changeling page. Somebody with more experience than me (only one round and a whole lot of deadchat observation frown ) go look it over and make sure I got everything right, didn't forget anything a newbie should know, etc.
Checked it, I made a few factual changes but the much larger problem was the readability. Ignoring wiki code things, your Gunning-Fog index was almost 17. The way you had things written, people (presumably) would require 5 years of college to properly understand your writing on the first read.

Now, to be fair, fog indexes don't work that well on wiki pages due to the special formatting. We also have a rough time because we're basically doing technical writing. So really I'd say this was probably 14 or 15. But that is still a college reading level. It's too damn high.

Ideally we want our wiki to be written with a fog index of 8-9 (10-11 tops on automated calcs). This assumes fast/careless reading (~-4 penalty) and a high school diploma (12 max level).

My edits brought the fog index down to 10.5, which is not fantastic but acceptable. You can just use this site to test your shit. I'd like to make sure all the guides have a low fog index so people can just read them, understand them, and move on. I care less about reference pages like Items since people usually don't read a page like that sequentially anyway.

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