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Botany Herbs, Sandwiches, and Frying Oil
I've spent most of this afternoon trying to figure out how best to make healing foods and I'll admit, I've learned some things but I've also come up against something of a wall.

The main issue is that healing herbs - Venne, Commol, ect - don't work in foodstuffs directly. I add them to a sandwich, they disappear. I add them to a pie and they are there, but the reagents do not interact with the food. Those five herbs and their derivatives are essentially useless unless you extract them. I would like to suggest that having them as an ingredient should pass along whatever they contain to the food itself. A venne and cheese sandwich on honey wheat would, as such, have the following reagents - bread, charcoal, and whatever the hell was in the honey.

Also when adding chemicals to the fryer I've noticed that they only last one dip. This is something of a bummer, though I do understand we don't want huge omnizine fryer vats. Still... why not make it so that the first dunk gets X amount. Dunk two gets X/2, dunk three gets X/4, ect until the oil is drained?

It is hard enough to coordinate with Botany as a Chef as-is. Most of the time they are either non-existent or are devoting themselves to cannabis and mushrooms. By allowing the chef to work with botany to make some awesome healing foods you'll not only be able to allow the chef and botany to have more purpose, but you'll have more people willing to risk a bite of the food the chef makes. After all, there would be the slightest chance that it might not be 'fried murder and hot sauce' this time....

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