Logondo HoS Application
Usual Character Name:
Logondo Mondo

BYOND Username:

Times Available:
Depends if I work or not. If I'm off, it could be any time during the day. If I work, usually 8pm-3am PST I'm on.

Reason for Application (300 word minimum):
I've been playing this server for a few years, and not until recently I started playing Security. Unlike other jobs, where the fun is based on your knowledge and experience, Security is about reacting to a situation and finding the best way to resolve it. You don't need to know all these secret formulas and techniques. You just need to know how to safely defuse a situation, whether it be cuffing a stab-happy clown, or fighting a wizard who's blow half the station apart.

It also has a personal element to it, where you interact with players, rather than the game itself. I enjoy working with people, questioning them about the goings-on, or cooperating with them to solve a crime. And teamwork is key. It's mandatory for a functional security force to constantly communicate with each other. As security's job is to put themselves in the middle of danger, it's important to stick together. Strength in numbers.

But every team needs a leader, and the HoS's importance as a team leader cannot be understated. Their command can be key in organizing a group attack over a deadly traitor or an abomination-form-changling. What drove me to become a Head of Security above the normal red-shirted-cop wasn't that sweet beret and uniform, but was to take the opportunity to use the knowledge I've gained playing security almost-constantly over the last several months to command a strong, cooperative, and capable police force. Or at the minimum, a police force that does their job and doesn't just sit around farting on the clown. I know I wouldn't be the best HoS, or second best, or third best, but I'd do everything I can to work hard and to keep the security strong and united when others are not around to do so.

Security Experience (300 word minimum): I don't think I ever started playing security at all until some months ago...before Christmas. September, maybe? Since then, I've played Security almost non-stop. At first I wasn't the best security officer. Wasn't the most robust, and used more lethal force than necessary sometimes. Since then I've grown and learned the inner workings of security. Like how never to murder someone unless it's absolutely necessary (act like a real cop would do), or setting up criminals in the database, then sending your sec-drones out in search of the hiding traitors. Not brigging people for unreasonable-lengths of time, and most importantly making sure the punishment fits the crime.

I have gained knowledge in combat, like how to properly fight an armed opponent, how to shoot a stun gun straight and what-not. I know the right areas to patrol, and I (almost) always ask "whats going on" during a situation before reacting; collecting the suspects and questioning them on what happened/who-did-what. I like to feel I don't hurt any prisoners more than they deserve, and I try to use lethal force only when necessary. My knowledge on resetting the AI isn't the best, but I know enough on how to do it, if I need to. At least I'd be able to help. I also have useful general knowledge to help the crew out. Some basic healing, and knowledge of cloning and borging. I also know basic hacking and construction, as a means to counter a traitors hacking/barricading. Although not necessarily "security experience", these skills do help out on the 'battlefield'.

I like to believe I work well as a teammate. I always try to follow HoS's orders, and keep an ear out for rescue-calls over the com. As well as keeping some-what regular updates with the rest of the sec-crew. In dangerous situations I always fall on the buddy-system. Two "B+ player" Security guys can still take out an A+ traitor. But you'd have to ask other security on how well a teammate I am.

To be honest, I don't know what other people think of my security skills. I know I've had bad times as security, but I also feel I've improved since then.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):
Security needs some kind of front-launge/waiting-room type thing. Something like the med-bay has. And the cells should be moved into a more public space. It feels like the prison is tucked into a hidden corner in the station and it's be tragic for someone to just get locked in there for a long time while everyone forgets.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): First ban was a job ban when I started playing years ago (dont remember details). Over the course of a year I got 2 bans, both for being a shit-head non-traitor murderer. And after that I believe I was banned for borging someone after they ate my borg...other than that I can't think of any. It's been 4 or 5 times for various things. Lotta shit in the past.

Sorry for any spelling/grammar/etc. mistakes. No hard feelings if you think I'm a jerk and say I don't deserve this. Thanks for listening to me to ask to be Head of Security.

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