03-16-2015, 04:01 AM
Jean-Luc_Picard Wrote:Fact of the matter Is, the easier you make it for Geneticists to give powers away, the more chance they'll be likely to do It.
Right now, with research and stability, the more people coming into your work space the more frustrating it is to work.
Making it easier for Geneticists to give powers away doesn't do shit. It's far easier for Geneticists to give people powers than ever before, thanks to the power storage functionality that came with the addition of combinable powers and allows powers to be transferred from monkey to human without any need for injectors. I've said it before and I'll say it again - the only use of DNA injectors right now is for Geneticists to give powers to themselves, because with anyone else, you can just pull powers off a monkey, get a person to hop in your scanner, and put those powers on that person. In addition, the research materials regen rate is increased as long as Geneticists don't let anyone else touch the cloner, and Genetics briefly had the Port-A-Gene which was designed to let Genetics take the scanner out of their workplace but just led to bad behavior instead of power-sharing. Genetics has been given buff after buff to make it easier to give people powers, but instead, people have either ignored the buffs or taken advantage of to make giving themselves all the powers even easier.
I'm not aware of any single chem that gives people auto-cloak when not moving, lets them attack from across the room, allows them to see through everything, gives them the ability to unleash an explosive fart that stuns people, and buffs up their arm strength so much they can punch through walls. Sure, "kills people with a single spray bottle spritz" is nasty, but no more so than a C-saber. Doing any one of those things is enough to pull off some pretty nice traitoring, though, especially when geneticists can also sabotage the cloner, feed corpses into the reclaimer instead of the cloner, spread monkeys with nasty mutations like Radioactive and the teleporting one, and they also have full Medbay access so they can do almost everything a traitor doctor can do. They literally have access to every single doctor option except poison bottles and the syringe gun, plus they have mutations and full control over the cloner. Being unable to become a near-immortal ultra-mega-superhuman does not mean that Geneticists are not hard up for murder options.