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Let changelings rip limbs off of people they have in grabs!
This would be metal as h-e-double-hockey-sticks, and make lings a whole lot more scary alienish. Just grab em, and them if you attack your victim in a limb it would say "Pubbie Joe rips Joe Pubbie's Right Arm right off of his body! Cripes!" or something along those lines, and cause bleeding akin to that one scene from Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail.

Might be better if it was limited to horror forms, so normal lings wouldn't just let people die of blood loss instead of using spit, but I personally believe it would be cool if your regular crew member suddenly grabbed you while you two were getting lethally drunk in the bar and tore you limb from limb out of nowhere. Terrifying but still fairly awesome!

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