03-11-2015, 12:04 AM
Haha, this is my go-to weapon of choice. Do a lot of people use it? I haven't seen anyone use it with acid/bad stuff other than me.
A review:
If you know what you're doing, it's pretty easy to get and it's super useful. 3-4 quick shots to the face will put someone in crit or murder them (last time I checked, it's been a month since I've played), so it's one of the best one-on-one weapons. It can bounce off some objects and walls and hit you back in the face, but that didn't happen to me often.
As far as how good it is against other home-made weapons? I don't know. I can't find any ammo for the zip-gun and I always end up burning myself with a flamethrower. As someone who knows their way around medbay, if you can get access to chemlab (not that hard) you have an excellent weapon, on par with a short-ranged laser gun.
A review:
If you know what you're doing, it's pretty easy to get and it's super useful. 3-4 quick shots to the face will put someone in crit or murder them (last time I checked, it's been a month since I've played), so it's one of the best one-on-one weapons. It can bounce off some objects and walls and hit you back in the face, but that didn't happen to me often.
As far as how good it is against other home-made weapons? I don't know. I can't find any ammo for the zip-gun and I always end up burning myself with a flamethrower. As someone who knows their way around medbay, if you can get access to chemlab (not that hard) you have an excellent weapon, on par with a short-ranged laser gun.