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Genetics: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
(( Before anybody reads this, It's 4:32am when I'm writing this so if I come across as a jerk, or my spelling is just appalling then I full heatedly apologize.
I love Goonstation and I love Genetics and I love how much effort has already been put into make it a more original and fresh experience for newcomers, with that said.
If you can get through reading all of the below, good on you, I know I couldn't.))

((((((I've tried to keep it spaced out, and not a huge wall of text, Edit the layout as you see fit.)))))

Genetics has always been one of my favourite jobs, for a lot of reasons.

You can be lazy, just sit around clicking buttons chatting to your co-worker and occasionally clone someone then get Hulk and run around naked.
I've played SS13 for about 4-5 years on pretty much every station that's out there, the first ever being Gibbed 1 and 2 on the original original donut, oh how amazing these times were.

I barely had a grasp of Genetics back then and pretty much could only clone people, these magical blocks and crazy numbers made no sense to me at the time.
Fast forward maybe a year or two playing SS13 on and off and I finally started to understand Genetics!!

I could get all the powers, Hulk Telekinesis being my favourite for obvious reason, this is before most servers nerfed tele to where you couldn't do it through cameras (sadface)

While once you got used to getting the 4 basic powers I guess you could say It lost the challenge, the originality and soon got boring.

Which is why when I first came back to Goonstation (Although I still like to think of it as good old poo ridden Gibbed) I thought, WOOWWW!! Look at this, this is different and cool!

That guy just turned my butt to gold! There's so many powers! This is great, so I decided to join my beloved job once again, and see how long it would take me to make the most OP combination imaginable.

My first round experiencing the modified and certainly original Genetics was confusing at first, I had seen nothing like it, but once I realized it's basically just G-C this, C-G that, it got very simple indeed.
Almost too simple, the only thing I struggled with was actually getting anything done in the time given.

I realize in recent times Genetics has been modified to speed up this process of getting powers and researching, but it still seems incredibly slow, who knows maybe I'm slow, I'm sure you'll tell me.
I don't know, I recently tried to play some more genetics, get back into it and try to find that love It gave me all those years ago.

I'd start a round, grab a monkey, scan it.. beg the AI for more money and get rejected, then before you know it the round's coming to an end, there's explosions, fires, traitors, god forbid syndicates.
I remember with the original genetics hopping a monkey into the machine and within 2 clicks I'd have Hulk, not because of how easy it was, but because I was lucky, and I think you should be able to get lucky at least once.

Even if you do get lucky with this Genetics ( finding a really nice power early ) you need to then wait the 20-30 minutes (Minimum) to get injectors, even going full on research, absolutely hammering away the cash to get injectors researched it takes that long.

It shouldn't... It just plain shouldn't.


I don't want people to feel I'm smashing this Genetics, It's clearly well made, well thought of in the way it works, the powers are good (although I have a few that could make it even better) but all in all, It's very well made.
Everything is there to make it original, and it certainly feels original.

I realize a lot of people can do well with Genetics, and the fact it takes so long to progress doesn't stop them from having a blast.

I just think that Genetics on Goonstation has lost a lot of It's charm in the way that It's totally down to luck if you have good monkeys, It's down to if the AI is feeling like not a total **** * ****** ***** * ***** ... ** ...**** **** if he wants to give you the funds or not. It's down to if you can even find a power running around the station with your PDA out jabbing people ( Which I don't think works anymore, I think you need them to be in the pod, which adds to the impossibility of getting a good power)

Rounds can sometimes last just 20-30 minutes, if that. When there's a wizard or failindicates or blobs. You basically are forced to start from scratched over and over again if these rounds persist.


I'm not sure where I'm going with a lot of this, because It would be fairly difficult to fix a lot of the things I personally think are wrong with Genetics.
I suppose I'll make a small list, and please don't just quote the list saying I'm smashing Genetics and the developers, because that's not my intention:

-Research time is too high in comparison with the fast paced rounds and quick ending rounds.

-Good (Fun) (Effective) powers are too rare, very rarely do you find them in monkeys (In my experience)

-Funding is too small to start with if you're looking to power through any research to get injectors, because that's always everyone's target, Injectors, which take 20-30 minutes.

-The challenge is taken out, the learning curve is much much lessened from the original blocks and the challenge of learning how to get powers to show up, now It's just a simple puzzle game with 4 options.

-Human test subjects experience little to no ill effects of being tested on, med bay and chemistry used to have to support Genetics through medication and anti radiation.


Everyone round you can bet to see Chemists going around with their super serums, Roboticist's (given enough death) have a borg army, Scientists have annoying noise makers and medics are covered in blood.
It's not every round, infact I can't remember the last time I saw a guy running around with telekenisis, or Hulk, or anything really game changing or awesome. Although I did get to make everyone's butt golden a few days ago, that was neat.

I want to see Genetics thriving again, and personally I don't think it will be able to achieve that with how it is now.

Please don't bash me too hard over what I've written here, It's just my opinion.

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