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Put stuff in your butt (non-hiding)
I was playing last night and started thinking, what would amplify a fart? Some sort of fart-megaphone?

Then it hit me: Put a vuvuzela in your butt. Maybe other instruments too for a 1-man band gimmick, but let's focus on the vuvuzela mechanics.

How: Remove jumpsuit. Click on self with harm intent on chest while holding vuvuzela, same as removing a butt.
Who: You can't do it to other people, only yourself. It could be funny to do to other people but you know some creeper would ruin it.
What happens: You can now superfart, and it shows up like vuvuzela text. FAAAAARRRRRTTTTTT
Superfart sounds great, what's the downside: But, you can only move at the same speed as if you are missing a leg. You know, because something is in your butt. And it's sticking out of your butt. And you can't remove it, because it's stuck. The doctor must remove your butt to get it out. Falling causes bleeding because the vuvuzela is shoved deeper when you land on it.

What happens if you use an amplified vuvuzela: Same movement penalty and still sticking out of your butt, but farting fires the amplified vuvuzela behind you. Anyone hit with it absorbs jenkem. Basically worthless as anything other than a joke.

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