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Traitor Telecrystal Rework\Buffs
Roomba Wrote:.22 should be cheaper I think, maybe 3 tcs. It's outclassed both stealth and damage-wise by the cheaper radbow, and by the fact you can't manufacture more ammo for it.

Also the radbow itself could stand to be raised to 4 tcs. It's probably one of the best value for money weapons, and this keeps it consistent at three radbows being the max a regular traitor can obtain (which is a fairly hefty supply of radbows on its own)

Tac grenades should be raised to 2, yeah. Incendiary grenades can tear a fairly decent hole in the station now and you get 2 per box.

The bowling kit should be a little cheaper I think, maybe 5 tcs.

The safari kit could stand to be 7 I think, the boomerang alone is a rampage weapon on par with a c-saber, and a 6 tc cost allows you to get two of them.

EMP grenades could be cheaper I think, 2 tcs is a little high for using them as a general utility thing and you generally only see them used to send the buddies and bots mad.

Chemicompiler's kind of an odd duck, only a few people really know how to use it to its full effectiveness and can create station-wrecking reactions with just one. Those dudes have probably overhyped it a bit, but to everyone else it's next to useless. I dunno how lowering the point cost would help with that.

Mining charge hacker definitely ought to be cheaper, the mining charges are pretty crappy. Admittedly it probably needs a boost more in function than value.

Power sink could be raised in cost I think, maybe to 5 or even 6. Depending on the round, it's very easy to shut down the entire station for something you only have to set up once.

(Oh, boosting the cost of the explosive shotgun rounds might be a good idea. So many people are doing the 'cheese x-drone/buy fifty boxes/annihilate the station' routine and it's practically uncounterable.)

Upon further reflection, I really agree with everything going on in this post. Adjusting OP.

DyssalC Wrote:However you seem to have neglected the fact that this allows for X+X combos. C-saber and belt, belt and spacker, of course with the exceptions of the job specific chainsaw and butcher's knife.

Also, vuvuzelas. Now, I haven't used the amped vuvuzela in a while, but was it nerfed? Was it nerfed to the point that a 2TC cost is reasonable now?

I really think the cloak should be 6 and the Spacker/Belt/Saber/Chainsaw/Butcher's Knife should be 7TC.

The .22 is already 4, and I'm fine with it being 4 if the max was increased to 12. HOWEVER, the .22 is a reasonably powerful ranged weapon. It's not god-like insta-crit damage but you don't want to find yourself on the business end of one without armor. However, now you can take a .22 and a super powerful weapon into combat and still have 2 TC leftover for some very useful support equipment, or you can take a super powerful weapon AND a revolver with 1TC to spare.

Agreed. 7/6 TC switch if we stay at 12, which I'd like it to stay at. With Grayshift's revolver/.22/etc damage list, we'll have to adjust accordingly.

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:If the Chemicompiler's cost is going to be lowered due to the small number of people who can get it to work properly, I think that the Power Gloves should get their cost reduced by the same logic. Not many people know how to set up the hellburn necessary for effective use of the things, and the high cost seems like even more of a turn-off.

I might keep them the same just because if you buy the gloves, your duties for it are so intensive you may use the majority of your round revolving around using them, whereas the chemicompiler, you can save your work and just memorize the reagent amounts, not the actual code.

Dabir Wrote:I'd be fine with macrobombs at any price, as long as you remember to adjust their power to match.

I say keep it at 10, with 2 extra TC to do some other mischief with before you croak+explode.

Grayshift Wrote:I had a more radical idea on revamping telecrystal costs. Rather than one big pool of 10-12 telecrystals, divide them into tiers. You get two major telecrystals, two moderate telecrystal picks, and three minor picks.

I found this idea wonderfully new and interesting, but agree with others that it seems like it'd heavily discourage creativity even though the options for less-used spreads are in "shatter." It's not that it doesn't give you the opportunity, it's just that it sets it up in a way that will give our players (think of how most of our players think) major telecrystal FOMO at the very start instead of expanding their fully-displayed options.

The gun damage list is great info though I must say.

Marquesas Wrote:Things I am completely opposed to:
- Grayshift: Two picks in 'major'. Far too powerful.
- Pacra: The cloaking device in general. It's not fun for anyone. While the cloak has been nerfed hard, it still gives you the opportunity to strike first with an esword undetected, which is basically a death sentence.
- In general: Cheap emags. The swiss army knife. It does literally everything yet its value keeps floating at 'basically free'.

From cloakchat, sounds like we'll keep not having the combo, with the cloak decreased by 1 and melee increased by 1 via DyssalC's recommendation.

I understand the emag cost worries. I say, keep the ratio the same - at half total TC cost, so at 6 now.

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