03-03-2015, 10:09 AM
I don't think there should be a complete rule-set because when you have a rule-set it puts security in a bad mindset. I also don't think ANYONE would agree on set times for B&E (I would mediate instead of arresting, some might and I wouldn't disagree) or general murder (depends wholly on the murder) or anything for that matter. I'd rather it ambiguous and open to interpretation (and argument).
Something I wrote on the wiki:
was actually discussed sometime back and everyone seemed to agree that it was about right. It was adjusted several times. It was based on how much a player is fucking up a round and includes both antagonists and non-antagonists. What I omitted (because again, I thought it is entirely up to the officer discretion) is the actual punishment.
Here's a hair-brained idea:
Why don't HoS's start with a Book of Law in their bag ( instead of you know, those funky trinkets that fill up the bag?)
The book of law is just a bunch of "thou not's" that is configured in player settings (which is unlocked when you become hos)
Beat the prisoners with the book of law akin to the bible! OBEY!
The book of law is entirely optional, but it means that the law is down on paper if the HoS ever exploded into many pieces. It also means the law changes depending on who's hos, and I personally like that idea.
Something I wrote on the wiki:
was actually discussed sometime back and everyone seemed to agree that it was about right. It was adjusted several times. It was based on how much a player is fucking up a round and includes both antagonists and non-antagonists. What I omitted (because again, I thought it is entirely up to the officer discretion) is the actual punishment.
Here's a hair-brained idea:
Why don't HoS's start with a Book of Law in their bag ( instead of you know, those funky trinkets that fill up the bag?)
The book of law is just a bunch of "thou not's" that is configured in player settings (which is unlocked when you become hos)
Beat the prisoners with the book of law akin to the bible! OBEY!
The book of law is entirely optional, but it means that the law is down on paper if the HoS ever exploded into many pieces. It also means the law changes depending on who's hos, and I personally like that idea.