02-24-2015, 12:16 PM
69andahalf Wrote:The biggest issue with making a single player the go-between for what could be multiple gangs, is that they could easily be killed by anyone, gang members, security, random crew members. What happens when they are are killed? Is another selected, or does the black market become inaccessible? It would certainly become an incentive for the gang members to keep them alive, but it could easily be abused through metagaming.
The idea of fake money is cool though, especially if the gang could produce it themselves through printing presses that the leader can put down. The initial one is free but you could be able to buy more from the black-market (for quite a lot of money of course), which would be able to allow the gang to tier up production and afford better gear. Much like how wraith absorbs dead people to get faster production of wraith-points so they can use their high-tier abilities easier. Money would be held in money bags (produced through fabrication of course) which can hold only x-amount so you might need a lot of gang members going to the contact to cash-in all the money.
I'd also be cool of the gang could set up some kind of gang-related work-bench/fabricator which could make cool hats (for the street-cred) and better uniforms. All of these add to their street-cred but they also take more expensive stuff, possible mined or possibly gotten off the black market.
What if If the black-market dealer dies or if he loses his PDA for a certain amount of time a PDA update will go to the gang leaders so they can buy their own items but They can't use fake cash and everything is worth twice as much.
Dealer being a jerk and selling to the other gang only? Kill him and not only gain access to the shop but force the other gang to lose their discount, OR play sneaky and give him a bunch of bribes to deal only with you so you get the sweet discounts without the loser gangs from gaining what you need