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Making cyborgs appealing again
Quote:Well yes, it kinda depended, considering being unable to interact would be unfun as heck (ask any other server about pAI)
That would be for the brainvat alone.
A brainvat is literally just a vat that you could shove a brain in while you make a borg body. That's why I suggested the roboticist start with 2-3 already, and he could shove brains in while he makes borg bodies, or he could shove a braindead brain in (which would flash red) and if the player ever decides to come back, it will flash green (along with the player screaming).
There's also situations where, for example someone was borged successfully (the borg would have the name Pi/Rho/etc) but unresponsive, more than likely because the player is doing something else while running SS13 in the background. The roboticist could take out the brain and shove it in a vat, and when the player returns it can yell in its little station bounced radio.

From there, he can be asked to be borged or requested to have an arm and wheel attached to him, or perhaps attached to a critter.

A brainbot is a brainvat with wheels and arms. That's where the fun begins. rainbow

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