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Making cyborgs appealing again
As the person who made up the brain bot/vat idea, there is a ton of reasons why you should implement it, it was the reason why the thread was so popular.

>You are immune to almost all forms of damage. No suffocating or dying in a fire, or getting shocked by the AI. You are, a brain in a vat, after all.
>You can open doors that the ID has swiped to you.
>You are not bound to asimovs laws. You are not a cyborg, just a human brain in a vat with little wheels.
>You can't be disarmed. Anything you pick up with your one arm is now practically glued to you.
>You can be easily put back together if you are destroyed.
>You are extremely vulnerable. A few hits with a crowbar or shot with a projectile and the glass is cracked and the brain is ejected and you are dead.
>You have no storage. You can however, pick up/drop/throw items.
>You can't pull or grab aggressively/choke. Your little robotic arm just ain't strong enough. You can however grab passively and drag someone slowly.
>You can be taken hostage very easily. Someone can just stun you, remove your arm and leg with a wrench and then just pick you up.

That is for the brainborg, i.e: Attaching wheel and arms to it to a brainvat. The brainvat on it's own serves another purpose
Quote:Slap a brain in it to see if it's owner is braindead or not.. Laugh as the brain audibly expresses their disgust! Slap several brains in several brainvats to keep yourself company while you work.. Laugh as the brains audibly tell you to hurry up with their cyborg body!
You can also pick up brainvats and walk around with them. Similar to PAI's in other servers, but more bulky and insulting.

And that's not including the concept of wrenching brainvats onto critters, daeren stated that it's quite possible given the new wraith coding.

But barring all those reasons marq, the brainbot is a good idea because it's fun.

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