Darkgenerallord's Mentor Application
Usual Character Name:Lane Stewart
BYOND Username: Darkgenerallord
Recommended by (if applicable): David2222121, Klayboxx.
Times Available:Pacific Time Zone, generally 3:00 to 7:00 or on weekends the entire day usually.

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): Personally,I just remember being new,
and not really knowing what I was doing.Some people helped me out,and eventually I got better.I want to be able to do that,so that all people can actually not STAY horrible,and actually learn to be good.So they could eventually learn and help others learn,etc. Game experience. Been all antagonists except for Wizard and Spymaster but I know how they work,so I can probaly help with those.Im a pretty good chemist and would only help with healing chems and such,because the secret chems are MY PRECIOUSSSS.Im also a decent Chef,botanist,barman,and electrician.I can also partially set up the engine.I can use the new art lab,and thats pretty much it.I utterly fail at telelab.I can do basic robotics,genetics,and medical.I have MOST of construction and destruction memorized.I have the whole list of mining minerals memorized,and I can also teach one how to hack doors and vending machines.I can also explain the many uses of the Emag,since most people dont actually know what some of them do.I also play near constantly. I admit I sold my soul to learn the secrets of random things.I've basically learned the rules...I know the many uses of the Mindslave implant,and what implanting into one other person and yourself will do. I can basically explain the GOOD way to set up an engine and not kill yourself. I almost exclusively play on 4,but I'll switch to 3 if 4 has like nobody. I can also tell someone how to set up Cryo to save lives,and also how to use certain chems to the highest effectivety for healing.I can also teach the majority of robotics,adding upgrades,repairing,how to build one.I can also teach one the many confusing things of Changelings,and how to play Nuclear Agent to full effectivety,because thats all I got pretty much for a while.I will also teach one what the many drugs do,and how to not murder someone or how to. I'll generally help someone who's trying to figure out the basics of something,then for something like Chemistry,I'll leave them to learn the way I had to. That pretty much wraps up my game experience and reasons.So now I end it.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum):One and two were good.Three was horrible.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):None.

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