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Making cyborgs appealing again
While hanging out in deadchat, it's rather frequently that I hear people complaining about getting turned into a cyborg vs getting cloned. To most, it seems like an absolutely abhorrent prospect. After a bit of thought, I think I understand why; it's because, by and large, there isn't anything a cyborg can do that a flesh and blood crew member can't already do, and the number of useless/obsolete modules means that there are usually only a few plausible options for what to do as a cyborg. Either you're a construction borg, you're a medical borg, or you're a brobot. That's pretty much it.

Standard module is pretty much useless except for the free efficiency upgrade, Engieborgs are rendered mostly redundant by the construction borgs, Janitorborgs are basically the exact same as the jobs they bear resemblance to, mining and hydroponics borgs are rarely ever in demand, and chemborgs are basically stunted medborgs due to the lack of a license to injure.

Meanwhile, construction borgs have an infinite-ammo RCD, and medborgs have infinite patches and are the go-to module for rogue borgs due to their scalpel/saw. The discrepancy between the usefulness of these two modules and basically all of the other ones is incredibly skewed, and anyone who takes their job as a cyborg even somewhat seriously will always, without exception, pick one of those two modules.

The inherent problem lies in the fact that cyborgs are redundant. If given the choice, there are very few people who would want to be borged as opposed to being cloned, because they know that becoming a cyborg basically means sacrificing a good portion of your capability for independent action for very little positive gain. This, consequentially, results in Roboticists having very little of a job to do. If very few people want to be borged, the Roboticist doesn't have much of a use for all of the cyborg bodies they're making. Follow?

If we are to alleviate this, something needs to be done to make playing as cyborgs appealing. Maybe not MORE plausible than getting cloned, but enough that the Roboticist actually ends up having a job. The way I see it, we need to give the other modules purpose again and give cyborgs a bit more widespread use. There is a niche for highly-specialized robots that do their one job with utmost proficiency, but it's just that: A niche. Not something that the common player is willing to put up with. To an extent, that niche is already filled by things like medbots and floorbots.

I have a few ideas for making this work, the first of them being the merging of some modules, mainly the ones that get shunted due to other modules doing their job but better. Merging the medborgs and chemborgsinto a general science borg would solve the chemborg's redundancy while simultaneously giving medborgs more variety in their medical treatments. Engieborgs, meanwhile, can be merged into construction borgs to make a general repair borg.

The Hydroponics borg could be merged with the discontinued Vendor module to become an all-purpose Catering borg, able to produce and deliver all sorts of delicious treats to the crew as well as functioning as an assistant to not only the botanists, but the chef and barman as well! Maybe give them a built-in stove and mixer for on-the-go cooking.

The final point I wanted to make was on the unlimited RCD ammo and patches that cyborgs have. To be perfectly honest, it's just a bit ridiculous, and it's pretty much the reason why construction borgs and medical borgs have a monopoly on all of the modules. Instead of having infinite ammo, we could give the patches separate charge meters that require recharging at the docking stations when they run out. That way, these modules can still have their ability for acting on emergency situations, but it limits the extent to which medical borgs can make someone effectively immortal by spamming patches, as well as the construction borg's ability to cover the airlocks in escape with about ten more airlocks.

This is all pretty much off the top of my head, but the way I see it, robotics has needed some kind of revamp for a while. Feel free to give your own suggestions in addition to/instead of these and provide any criticisms. Hopefully what I've been saying makes some kind of sense.

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