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Remove the selfgib from Brown Note
Frank_Stein Wrote:
UrsulaMejor Wrote:no

Frank_Stein Wrote:This might be a little blasphemous, but why not just remove bible fart gibbing altogether, except as a special suicide or for the traitor bibles?

hell no
Here's my logic for that:

Tricking someone into farting on the bible not only kills them, it permanently removes them from the game. Typically, that kind of stuff is frowned on if you're not an antagonist.

I know you can argue that they choose to fart and it's their fault they're dead, but that same logic would defend stuff like nonantag bartenders making poison cocktails and just leaving them around, or stuffing pipebombs mousetraps into backpacks. Other crew members didn't need to drink them/rifle through those packs, and it wasn't a smart move on their part, but it's still fucking someone over, only worse because there's no corpse.

Again, I'm not saying remove it all together. I just think it's kind of crap when nonantags use it to kill other people for sport since that's normally a no no.

the poison cocktails thing is already fine + a thing most bartenders do.

agree to the pipe bomb thing.

but the bible is its own thing altogether. everyone knows how the bible works and its sprite is obvious both in the hands and on the ground

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