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cogblap v0.98 | beta testing will be happening occasionally
If they're seriously considering getting rid of the barman, which I doubt, I have some counter suggestions.

A. Combine chef with barman, and let chef create crazy drinks and food, allow bloody mary cakes and half and half frosting. This could be considerably less fun, but could allow a second chef to coexist peacefully. e.g Make barman into a sous chef.

B. Bring back the vice officer instead, Make his sole duty to limit the consumption of alcohol and weed, and stop gangs if necessary. Probably a bad idea, could be fun to watch. Also make his duty limit all fun, which includes removing the battery in VR room, and taking away the boxing gloves when people are misusing them. Perhaps change the Vice officer into an anti-fun admin gimmick for when people ask for especially stupid gimmicks.

C. Remove all fun things, including chef, leave vending machines for an easy health fix, anger half the crew with the fact they can no longer make buttcakes or whatever.

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