02-15-2015, 07:26 AM
TailorTok Wrote:Keep in mind there's still a lot of shitcurity going about, I wouldn't consider freeing a prisoner griefy if the security is griefing them. I've had Janet cuff me and just drag me around for attempting to make tools to fight the blob. I just now had Sundance the HoS shoot me, flashbang me into deafness then buckle cuff me for over 10 minutes, next to another guy who had been buckle cuffed for 15+ minutes, and this was not in the security area!
As much as noise is being made about "Security is getting better," most of the time just suiciding once they cuff you and hoping to get cloned is still the only way to participate in the round.
Bucklecuffing for 10/15+ minutes? Bucklecuffing is not a thing here, you can resist out of it.
You're trying to paint sec with some sort of shitbrush to justify your own actions. Feely is a fine HoS. If you got that sort of treatment I can almost guarantee you did something to deserve it. If there's shit within sec it will be dealt with by sec/HoS/admins.
" I wouldn't consider freeing a prisoner griefy if the security is griefing them."
Do you even know why McFuck is in the brig? Did he spout some shit on the radio? Odds are he's either a shitloaf or an antag and was counting on some jerkoff to come to his rescue. If you think sec is being shit adminhelp it. Don't go out of your way to make life harder for the rest of the sec team because you're just looking for an excuse to fuck with sec as a whole. How do you know the dude in the brig wasn't a massive shit to sec earlier? Unless you're an antag or the sec team has been obviously mindslaved stay the fuck away. It is infact griefing.