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What's with the greytide lately?
Wonkmin Wrote:
TailorTok Wrote:Can we just incorporate it IC? I tried a bit today. Got arrested, told the HoS a beautiful story about my father's love, then when he released me I stungloved him, called him a nerd, yelled F the Police and declared that I had caught greytidefluenza in the hallway. He wrote a prescription and treated me with buckshot the face then I praised him as a hero.

Anyway that was all quite silly but I think an IC solution such as the HoS's brilliant idea that it's a disease that can only be cured with buckshot (or double amputation or something else awful) is more fun and creates some pretty immediate consequences.

This seems like messing with security just for the sake of it, which is what we've expressly asked you not to do!

What?? I was already in the interrogation room arrested for some non-crime. He sought me out for RP fun, I didn't try to get arrested!

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