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How did you last die
I spawn as a robotiscist traitor.

1. Destroy/deactivate all cyborgs
2. Stay alive until the end.

Then, the only cyborg on the station walks up to me and asks me to replace his battery during the first minute of the game.

This literally couldn't be an easier traitor round.

I remove the brain of the cyborg and dispose of it. Then, in order to make sure noone puts another brain in it, I decide to space the cyborg out of an airlock. A momentary lagspike causes me to walk a step too far and I accidentally space myself instead. I frantically start throwing stuff in order to drift back to the airlock, but I go into crit before I manage to open the lock, and I die in probably the most emberassing way possible.

An Admin who was watching me (probably because the Cyborg adminhelped after being killed not even a minute into the game) asks me what the fuck I'm doing, and I explain how I'm incompetent as fuck and I messed up the easiest job in the history of the traitor gamemode. He respawns me out of pure pity, so I "win" as a traitor even though I really shouldn't have.

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