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Ghetto construction
Here are some alternative assemblies that would be great to have in-game.(Note every thing I am suggesting should have a fairly high chance of going horribly wrong and harming the user)

First up are some sketchy chemistry machines.

A transfer device kind of like the chemicompiler for crudely mixing dangerous things.
[Image: tnV4kYd.png]
The catch is that you have no control of amount mixed it will only mix in a set number of units and it is prone to breaking down and wasting all the chems you put in it.
To build
2 fuel tanks + tank transfer valve + air tank + arcade circuit board
Add the fuel tanks to the transfer valve then air tank and lastly circuit board.

A heater
[Image: Aj3f7Hf.png]
As with everything its drawback is that it can only heat and will do so very quickly at the cost of exploding/breaking if it reaches above 500-600k.
To build
pipe frame + igniter + cable coil + analyzer + beaker
Add igniter to pipe frame then wire it attach the analyzer and finnaly add the beaker.

A pill press
[Image: sKEEJ7B.png]
Similar to how a chemmaster makes pills the press will only make 15u pills and has a chance of smashing the pill and losing the chemicals inside.
To build
hollow pipe frame + spoon + scrap metal/shrapnel + shotglass
Add spoon to hollow pipe frame then attach the scrap/ shrapnel and finally shot glass.

Improvised weapons

I am not really sure what to call this but it should be able to shoot tiny-small items in addition to grenades(grenades are at risk of going off inside of the thing).
[Image: KhT09oA.png]
To build
2 hollow pipe frames + fire extinguisher + air tank + cable coil + fork + igniter
Attach the hollow pipe frames together then add the fire extuinguisher, air tank, cable coil, fork and lastly igniter.

[Image: kthSun0.png]
The taser has a really high chance to shock you and only has 3 charges.
To build
fork + cable coil + battery
Wire up the fork and attach a battery.

[Image: x2hUkPe.png][Image: PbBe0ya.png]
Shoots rods for arrows but only causes very small bleeding and maybe a tiny bit of brute.
To build
mop + wire cutters + cable coil + stapler
Use the wire cutters on the mop then add cable coil and staple to secure it.

Last Note: Some of the already have counter parts in-game aleady but these are mostly for flavor.

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