The Rite Stuff for HoS
Usual Character Name: Rite Krel

BYOND Username: cgrn10

Recommended by (if applicable): Ursulamajor, edventure, some one else I don't remember

Times Available: If I knew this myself I would be a lot more happy in life. Probably anytime after 4pm MST

Reason for Application (300 word minimum):

I was bullied into doing it right now at 1 in the morning by Ursula. Well, with the new securitizing stuff being nudged in by the admins, and when I say new I mean absolutely should have been being done in the first place and we were just too lax, I want to help further that because I think with tighter security the game could be a lot more fun by firstly adding another layer of tension for traitors who need to steal that RCD, and secondly giving sec more to do. Most of the time as sec, I found myself wandering the station, and would just quickly ticket those who were breaking into stuff or the like. Now when I actually try to arrest these people, It's a bit more fun besides being called shit and wanting to cry myself to sleep in game. So with that background stuff outta' the way, the reason I would like to be a HoS is because this is something I myself want to push now as well, for the prior reason. This type of security seems to add a lot more fun, albeit they may be 'feared' as marq put it, it's something that would add another layer of complex fun to the game. Traitors would need to be a little more prudent about anything they do. This is really the reason I am applying for hos. This new mindset towards sec and from sec is something I want to see come back to the game (although I never played during then, damn sounds fun) and as hos I could do this fairly easier, as they're seen as an exemplary player to people new to sec or something like that. Also to deal with the bad security members since there seems to have been a HUGE influx recently, probably because tg or vg or whichever is falling apart because the admins don't give a single fuck for whatever reason. They just need to be shown that we aren't the security of the third Reich.

Security Experience (300 word minimum):

Recently I've started playing sec a lot, didn't much back then, I've played it in bouts; however, now I see that sec is a lot more fun than most jobs so I will probably be playing it a lot more in the future. Most of my experience with sec is slightly before your full admin sec team that did the job like you guys want sec to be like, up to now. Before that I played it sparingly here and there, and at one point almost religiously, then I faded away from the game. Now as I come back, playing sec a lot more. I generally try to play sec like sec should be played, where things like trespassing is brig time. Of course, I try to keep it fun though. Interrogations are certainly a thing I like to take part of (mostly for the traitors) which ends up being me putting matches out on them, screaming a lot and turning the light on and off. This is usually done with a time already having been set and counting down for their crime. Keeping them there for 3 minutes to answer useless questions on top of a 5 minute murder spree sentence is a bit rude. I've been playing sec often with the HoS as Bob Ludwig, Geoff Goldman, Don Geon, who I see to be very exemplary players and certainly good sec. They've influenced me a bit certainly in the way I secure the station by trying to make it fun for the people being arrested aswell IE the interrogations. Silently being dragged off to the brig, stripped, searched, and left to do your time isn't the most fun thing in the world. Above all else security is meant to be fun from my experiences thus far, and as I've been playing sec I've been seeing that more and more as the prerogative of the team, which is why it sucks to see a shotgun, csaber, or a wizard, because those generally just have to be put down or else a lot of death can come of just trying to use non-lethal force as far as I've seen, maybe I'm wrong.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):

Could use more small cells, and more portabrigs since smaller things are getting jail time now and its hard to have separate times for everyone as as of now there are only 4 cells on the entire station. And More portabrigs, because the grey tide is hell. Daeren said he would talk to you guys about it or something. The benefits of it right now though, are that it allows for breakouts, which is just another fun possible thing imo.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):

3 day ban for being shit way back when, probably some other stuff from way back when that I don't remember. Starting the game out as a shit player was not a fun time.

Sorry if this thing comes out full of round a bout reasoning or something, or just repetitive, its like 1 in the morning, blame urs.

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