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Shuttle Call needs a rehaul on low pop servers
People who are trying to run their own independent experiments and such should be under no obligation to cut off said experiments prematurely to end the round for people who failed to take the necessary precautions against their permanent death, are bored, or just died unexpectedly because shit happens. Shit happens, people die. It's kind of a fact of life on Space Station 13, and while it may suck a lot if a badass experiment is prematurely ended due to biting the bullet, you need to know and accept that before you do anything. Furthermore, there are three other perfectly good servers you can dick around on while you wait for the next round to start. Hell, the lowpop secret server typically has such a low population density that it might as well be a second extended server in almost all cases.

Just because it's an extended round doesn't mean there shouldn't be any consequence for dying.

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