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drsingh - Server 2 - 2015-01-25, 11:20PM EST
It appears Canto7's name was Daniel Scott that round.

It's a completely moot point because this was not a grudge in the first place, in my opinion.

If you want to believe this is some kind of special exemption I can't stop you.

edit: PS there's also this bit of context

SAY: Old Man Jenkins (OMJenkins) [TRAITOR] : ;so, canto
SAY: Old Man Jenkins (OMJenkins) [TRAITOR] : ;i'm tracking your ass down
SAY: Old Man Jenkins (OMJenkins) [TRAITOR] : ;and your motherfucking skull is mine
SAY: Daniel Scott (Canto7) : ;ok

So, that's how OMJ knew who Canto7 was. You chose to reveal yourself because you assumed that if he lifted a finger against you he would be banned. He was already going after Daniel Scott for being the Captain and spawning at round start.

edit 2: More context

OOC: OMJenkins : we're going to cut your brain out and then clone you
OOC: OMJenkins : so we can do the collar key ques
OOC: Canto7 : not unless you're an antag you're not
OOC: OMJenkins : makes it easier if only one person readies
OOC: OMJenkins : i'm not readying
OOC: OMJenkins : so I can't be an antag
OOC: Canto7 : then you cant cut my skull out
OOC: OMJenkins : yes I can
OOC: OMJenkins : if I'm reviving you
OOC: OMJenkins : i'm cloning you
OOC: Canto7 : if you do without being an antag, i dont think it will turn out very well
OOC: OMJenkins : it'll be fine
OOC: OMJenkins : as i'm cloning you
OOC: Houka : Canto, if you get scanned first you can be cloned
OOC: OMJenkins : exactly
OOC: Houka : I don't understand your confusion here
OOC: OMJenkins : i did it earlier before
OOC: Dr. Nipples : Yeah, we do this all the time, it's fine
OOC: Canto7 : i dont want my brain cut out, and if you do it without being an antag, you will be breaking the rules

As I said earlier, from the very start you've assumed that you decide how the rules apply. You do not.

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