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drsingh - Server 2 - 2015-01-25, 11:20PM EST
let me just say that as an HoP, i went for the crew manifest first
there were two people who didn't late join, you and the HoS, fox mccloud, who i also killed and took his skull for fun and sport
you neglect to mention you were the captain
when one is a captain, there is a server wide announcement saying "such and such is a captain"
you being the captain led to
"Daniel Canto is the captain!"
"i'm tracking your ass down canto" because i wanted to check for the collar key a and b your LAST NAME WAS CANTO
me being a changeling, I am allowed to kill whoever the fuck i want
after I killed you, the other person who didn't late join died too
I do not give two shits about what you said in OOC, believe me I could care less

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