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Buff Blob Mode
From my point of view at the moment:

Core powers
Ribosomes: Incredibly necessary. 20 of these will translate to a single spread upgrade.
Lipids: Very useful, though it doesn't seem that way at first. This will provide excess storage of bio points, which is quite useful, because ectothermids and slime launchers will drain them at incredible rates in intense situations.
Mitochondria: Nigh useless with the previous gen rate penalty, however it is very useful now for chokepoint protection.
Wall: Usefulness seemingly degraded with the introduction of fire resistants, however, it still is the best thing against brute weapons and its damage cap mechanism will prevent it from being destroyed in a single hit.
Fire-resistant wall: I cannot emphasize the usefulness of this.
Absorbtion: Nothing provides an alternative to the sheer amount of evo points live bodies get you.

Upgrade powers
Item devouring: Seemingly situational, however it provides the unique ability to get rid of dropped flamethrowers. It also creates deposits which will remove the serious strain of constant slime fire, or alternatively, provide free bio points. All-in-all, this ability complements multiple structural elements and mechanics and probably should be taken very early.
Reclaimer: Converts 5 units of reagents into 1 bio point. Costs 4 bio points, which is refunded in the form of a lipid once reclaiming is complete. Basically, this will take care of all your trash reagents like welding fuel which you really don't want to fire at people, as well as providing ectothermids with much needed points in times of fire. Situational, but a fresh alternative to the increasing cost of generation rate upgrades.
Replicator: A very new ability, one I'm very sure will be welcome. At the cost of one bio point per 5 units of reagents, this piece will convert the reagents from any deposit into the reagent that was originally used for the replicator. You'll want this baby in a hard to access area, which is not hard to achieve considering you can move deposits around with click-drags. This upgrade is as situational as it is powerful - if you manage to devour an incendiary grenade, you will probably want to take this upgrade to fight fire with quite literal fire.
Reflective: Admittedly situational. Also essential if the crew is mass manufacturing laser weapons.
Ectothermid: Situational, but not to variable of what's thrown at you. If you get big enough to be able to maintain these, get these. They will outright negate any fire damage done to an area at a serious hit to your biopoints.
Plasmaphyll: Rather situational, but at the first sign of a plasma canister, you should take this. Even if the fire is already lit, a wall of plasmaphylls can keep it off you. As an added bonus, it compensates its generation rate cost by turning the consumed plasma into bio points.
Slime launcher: I disagree with the situationality of this. First of all, the slimes cause some amount of damage when they hit. This will naturally draw the attention of fighters - launchers will become the first focus of attack, giving you valuable time. If this time is adequate, your attacker will be forced to retreat due to damage. As an added bonus, the slimes drain stamina, a barrage eventually flooring a target. It also has a non-negligible chance to cause the person hit to drop the item they are holding, opening up a chance to devour flamethrowers. Finally, they will launch any reagent loaded, negating the cost of the launch and adding a potential punch in the form of both touch and ingest effects.

All these are being tested though as we speak.
I am looking to add new ways both against and for the blob.

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