HoS Application: John Johnson; He Who Hides in Disposals
kyle2143 Wrote:Also, I think that I've had more than one unpleasant experiences with you, although I don't think you were playing sec and you might've just felt like griefing. Though perhaps I might be getting your name mixed up with someone else's. But honestly, I have to say that by reading through your post it sounds like you are mlre of the play to win type. Although you do sound like you're playing that type fairly and justly, as opposed to killing the hapless traitor spawning an emag in maintenance on sight or something. Still though, I don't think you should be a HoS just yet, so no.

Well, I've waited long enough, so I should clear things up a bit.

There's a guy named Clone Johnson who's "play to win"; good friend of mine, but he trends towards being as destructive as possible.

There was also ANOTHER John Johnson for the last month or so. We've been science buddies for some time, though I haven't seen him (under that name) in a while. He wasn't as well-spoken as I, so if he gave you bad impressions, I apologize. It was weird having another person with the name I use, but it made the traitor rounds all the better.

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