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Genetic Combination Map
So this is still a thing, and I have important news that requires verification. I saw this on the Solarium thread, it says this:

There's a new key, somehow. In the form of a mutation, somehow.

At round start everyone rolls their mutations. Everyone is the same on ye' old station except for one person. They're a member of the crew they could even be you.
That person is random. It could be Guy Lefuqe in QM, it could be Captain Whomeverthefuck.

The mutation itself is different. You'll know it when you find it. It's red. Complex DNA. When we saw it it was four groups of base pairs. All locked. 6 character code, 5 things to use, G C T A U.

When you unlock it in the cloner you open up being able to do complex DNA research. You can upgrade material usage and cooldowns to laughably small amounts. Materials storage goes up to 180 and mutations storage goes up to 7.

This mutation could possibly have far more greater importance. What happens when you research all known mutations via normal research and combinations? Can it be combined with Saturated Junk DNA (Reclaims into a good amount of materials) Do you need this mutation to do a thing? Would the Ill-looking fellow benefit from this mutation at all?

The kicker is once its rolled its rolled. When its gone its gone. If Guy Lefuqe slips on a banana peel and whistles himself at Warp 5 out an airlock you're S.O.L.

(Credit to AmosMoses for that)

I'm going to go hunt this bitch down, anyone with me?

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