01-19-2015, 03:51 PM
Aight, so this is my to-do list in the code, partially stolen from an old to-do list from BurntCornMuffin, chats with Haine, and my own ideas, but here goes the basic skeleton of what I want to do.
So, yes, most of the aug limb ideas would involve neat things you can do that consume a power source of some variety, as well as implants and augmented organs that work similarly. Right now I'm trying to wrap my brain around the limb code and implant code so I can get them the way I want them, before redoing surgery to make it flexible enough to allow for this sort of thing.
Quote:Make bullets lodge in/damage the areas people are actually shooting at, to give infrastructure for implants to be in specific parts of the body
Make sweet implants/augs system for robotics that runs on glucose/magical robo energy DXHR style, possibly with aug limbs or whatever as well (and aug butts)
Implant rework: basically what i'd want is "pick a body part/organ/etc, okay that bodypart now contains this object” and then it does Things
Big power drawing implants should cost stamina regen while they operate; the proposal from BCM that gave me this idea involved glucose/its own power source but it could be worked with stamina or just blood level
Possibly tweaking organs some for the robotics systems, adding lungs/liver/etc even if they dont do everything they'd be proposed to do (haine has been working on cleaning organ code)
Can reverse surgery steps so you can carve open the top of someone's skull and put an implant in by doing scalpel-saw, then seal it back up, or pop open access to someone's heart, or put in a tiny vuvuzela in their butt, etc. surgery as-is is pretty damn anemic compared to other servers even though they have additions that get pretty fuckin weird
Related problem: surgery is a clusterfuck because of intents/tools/etc/too few choices. Thought: either new tools to help with contextual surgery, or you select the surgery you want to do with a prompt window/medical table setup, look at Baycode for implementation ideas/surgeries
Implement decapitation because I want to slam dunk my own head
Tobba there need to be more ways to perform medical malpractice
Tobba like
Tobba ways to fuck up that won't necessarily hurt anyone
Tobba but it'll look hilariously stupid
Tobba carve in your name on their chest
Daeren like having legs for arms
Daeren butt on backwards
Daeren head on upside down
Tobba yes
So, yes, most of the aug limb ideas would involve neat things you can do that consume a power source of some variety, as well as implants and augmented organs that work similarly. Right now I'm trying to wrap my brain around the limb code and implant code so I can get them the way I want them, before redoing surgery to make it flexible enough to allow for this sort of thing.