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[MAJOR UPGRADE][[ROBOTICS]] Cybernetic Augments
Wonk suggested Augments! That got me hype and made me want Augments, so I think the best way to help get them implemented would be to contribute ideas for it.

The AED:

The basis for most augment functionality would be the Augment Enhancement Device, or the AED. The AED would be the power unit that provides energy to the Augments a person has. The AED would be installed on the chest. The surgical procedure would involve making an incision on the torso, places the AED on the torso, then stapling it into place (Scalpel torso, AED to torso, staple torso). Once installed the AED can have a cell installed by clicking yourself with the cell with the torso targeted. To remove the cell for charging or replacement purposes you would click yourself with the torso targeted with grab intent.
(If one of you can come up with something for the limbs to do when the AED is emagged that would be fantastic)

Augment Functions:

Augments would work in 3 different ways (4 if somebody can come up with functions for when the AED is emagged). The first is unpowered. Unpowered augments will perform normal bodily functions and provide some interesting passive effects as well. The second would be powered. Powered augments would either be active use or passive use, with active use augments taking a burst of power per use and passive use augments constantly draining low amounts of power while it's active. Finally, there's electrical interference. This comes from being tazed, stun batonned, zapped by a door or grille, defibbed, or shocked by an APC or Voltagen. When an Augment gets overloaded it will have a negative effect on the Augmented subject, and usually result in loss of functionality in that particular body part.

The Eye:

With all this I propose eye surgery. The sole purpose for this would be to insert eye augments. You wouldn't have to remove them both or have two eye augments, they come out and go in as a pair. This could be done by returning the eye target option or by using the scalpel with grab intent on the head. The procedure would only require the scalpel but would take 15-20 seconds to perform for balancing reasons. Replacing eyes would be using the replacement eyes on the patient while targeting the head with grab intent and waiting 15-20 seconds.


Cyborg Arms
Unpowered- Standard hand functionality, uninsulated electrocution from doors only stuns you.
Powered- Passive functionality, gives increased melee damage, allows for standard walls to be punches through and wall girdes to be removed from place by hand.
Electrical Interference- Loss of arm functionality for short duration.

Cyborg Legs
Unpowered- Standard leg functionality, increased movement speed for both running and walking.
Powered- Active functionality, causes you to charge forward similar to the jumpy mutation only farther.
Electrical Interference- Loss of leg functionality for short duration, only able to crawl.

Cyborg Treads
Unpowered- Standard leg functionality, no longer slip on obstacles and slicks.
Powered- Passive functionality, 5x speed boost, slip obstacles and slicks double that boost for a moment.
Electrical Interference- Loss of leg functionality for short duration, unable to move at all.

Unpowered- Standard heart functionality, defib can be used to escape crit, but you still have to heal injuries to avoid going back into crit.
Powered- Active functionality, recharges a good portion of stamina, increases stamina regen slightly for a time.
Electrical Interference- Double stun duration.

Cyborg Butt
Unpowered- Stand butt functionality, farts come out as cyborg farts.
Powered- Active functionality, emits high frequency toot that stuns and deafens at close range, breaks glass up to 2 tiles out from origin.
Electrical Interference- Uncontrollable farting for short duration.

Cyborg Eyes (General Vision Enhancers)
Unpowered- Standard eye functionality, blocks elevated light levels like flashes.
Powered- Passive functionality, extends sight range by 4 tiles each direction.
Electrical Interference- Blindness for short duration.

Cyborg Eyes (Thermal)
Unpowered- Standard eye functionality, can see thermal images 3 tiles out from origin.
Powered- Passive functionality, thermal imaging extends to whole screen.
Electrical Interference- Blindness for short duration.

Cyborg Eyes (Meson)
Unpowered- Standard eye functionality, emits low light levels in a cone in reaching 5 tiles from origin depending on the direction being faced.
Powered- Passive functionality, can see layout of rooms through walls, entire visible area is lit up.
Electrical Interference- Blindness for short duration.

Cyborg Eyes (Laser)
Unpowered- Standard eye functionality.
Powered- Active functionality, laser fired from eyes in direction being faced, any sort of visors/goggles/glasses will interfere with the laser and cause the damage output to lower.
Electrical Interference- Blindness for short duration and burn damage from laser overload.

Things that could get uses but I can't think of uses for them:

Cyborg Heads - Maybe replacement skulls?

Cyborg Chests - Something that helps prevent burn damage from fire? Bullet-proof? Entire chest replacement? Skin replacement?

Chainsaw Arms - Can't be too powerful but feels like it should be mentioned anyways.

Different functions for different cyborg part variants (Light/Standard/Sturdy/Heavy) - Maybe not all of them but maybe some of them.

Emag functionality - Oh god I don't even know where to start.

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