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Turn top half of genetics into cloning.
So today sitting in dead chat with other people waiting to get cloned, but as I am reading deadchat I learn that the geneticist has not cloned anyone the whole round are was just going for super powers. In fact a clown of all people was stopping by every 15 mins and was slowly cloning any bodies he could (cause most were rotten). As the bodies started piling up someone yelled at the geneticist about how he should be doing his job and mock him cause the clown was doing it and he replied

Quote:"Logondo Mondo says, "Fuck that, I want to play geneticist to make super powers, fuck cloning""

This issue is just getting worse and nothing is being done to fix it in the least. Hell you don't even have to fuck with med sci set up. You could just give the Doctors access to med sci to use the scanner or just give the MD one.

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