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Will the solarium GOOD ending ever be cleared?
Haven't seen anything in your telesci guides about this so..

On Mars, there's a log about a guy telling a woman to take a rover into a rocket with a ~thing~ and escape with it.

In the outdoor area, to the right is a barricaded grilled little pocket, kinda small.

Go through the grill and their is a special rover with a corpse hanging out the window it seems, you see hair, long hair blowing. It's east and south in this pocket. Insanely hard to miss.

The flavour text of broken rovers is.

This is a broken rover.
This rover has aged horribly.

This rover?

This is a broken rover.
This rover has aged ho- JESUS CHRIST!

Did the rover fall outta the rocket? Did it not make it to the rocket in time and was blown by the rocket shockwave? Whose corpse is that? Why is it there? How do we crack this rover open to get whatever they were trying to leave with?

Hrm hrm hrm.

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