01-12-2015, 01:15 PM
Isilkor Wrote:Imagine if a Security Officer watched you get stripped and beaten to death, or a Medical Doctor watched you gasp for air as you died of severe injuries.BaneOfGiygas Wrote:This is a problem, a really fucking big problem, and not doing anything about it is going to make a lot of people really frustrated.You're really making mountains out of molehills here. Maybe I just don't understand why getting revived after dying is some kind of utter necessity, but having the cloner unmanned is not "a really fucking big problem" at all. People get frustrated when they die and don't get revived, okay. That kind of stuff happens. People also get frustrated if they spawn and immediately catch an acid spit to the face because the other guy in Botany is a changeling.
That's why people get mad about Geneticists watching their corpses rot. It's their job to clone. Plain and simple.