01-12-2015, 11:14 AM
Maybe it isn't a necessity and I'm overestimating the cloner's importance, I'll concede that. But why would something designed to revive the dead exist if it isn't going to be used? Dying is something that happens and learning to accept that is part of being able to play on Goonstation, and I understand that circumstances can lead to cloning people being a really hazardous prospect.
But none of that invalidates the two facts that it would be really nice to have a second change and that it's really frustrating when you can't for no reason other than no one giving a shit. If people weren't getting cloned because the geneticists were busying themselves with more pressing matters than reviving some random Staff Assistant, than it would be okay, but if they're literally in the same damn room as the cloner and don't feel like pushing a few buttons in favor of being able to make everyone compulsively fart or whatever, it feels kind of shitty.
But none of that invalidates the two facts that it would be really nice to have a second change and that it's really frustrating when you can't for no reason other than no one giving a shit. If people weren't getting cloned because the geneticists were busying themselves with more pressing matters than reviving some random Staff Assistant, than it would be okay, but if they're literally in the same damn room as the cloner and don't feel like pushing a few buttons in favor of being able to make everyone compulsively fart or whatever, it feels kind of shitty.