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Turn top half of genetics into cloning.
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:I don't know what kind of game you're thinking of, but on Space Station 13, you don't just "not get killed". It doesn't work like that. Shit happens and people die
And then they either get borged, get cloned, or wait until next round. But you don't get a say over which of the first two happens. If you're unhappy about getting borged, your only two options are not to die or setting DNR. Well okay you can also get yourself jobbanned.

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:
Paineframe Wrote:the borgs are almost entirely self-sufficient
Self-sufficient in the sense that they can exist and do things independently?
No, self-sufficient in the sense that they don't need the roboticist for anything except maybe change their cell if they spawn as a light borg. and having their module rewritten which comes up roughly about never.

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:If a player finds the idea of being turned over to the Roboticist such a terrible concept that they'd rather not be revived at all...
...then they have the option to set DNR. In fact, that's part of the reason why that button was implemented in the first place - so people didn't "have" to suicide as soon as they get borged.

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:Basically what I'm saying is that Roboticists will get corpses once people actually like the idea of playing as a cyborg.
People will never like the idea of playing as a cyborg because most if not all of the bitching I've read about cyborgs is that they have to adhere to the laws. I don't see how you can change that without completely breaking the concept in half.

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