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BruiseCruise Wrote:
APARTHEID Wrote:Here's my idiot idea: either brains in jars or dorks in VR pods control these things. The jar is just a brain in a drone. That's it. You either control it yourself or some brain does it at some horrible cost to themselves if they wipe out. unsmigghh

I feel like the VR Pod idea is probably the best bet. If we go the Brain Jar route the question arises as to whether or not they're governed by the AI's Laws or not. If they aren't, we're probably never going to see a Cyborg volunteer again and if they are, it'll be kinda difficult to police what the drones can and can't murdalize. Sounds like another SecBorg situation albeit with heavier firepower.

On the the other hand, the VR Pods/Goggles seem to be easier to balance. Though you may have a murderhobo every now and again, it's basically as simple as tracking his/her VR Pod or locating the Goggle user on the station. Once you find the perp you can eject him from his Pod/Goggles and drag him to security if he's being a dick or execution-style him if you're a nuke op. Maybe getting torn out of the VR interface stuns the user a little bit? I think the possibility of being found is more than enough of a danger here.

I brought up brains because I completely forgot about the most important part of Robotics: body parts! There's only enough VR stuff for the roboticists; everyone else has to sign up for on-board or out-of-station work. If you want to fuck off to space forever as a murderous drone, so be it! Good luck getting your ass back inside, 'cause you're not a pod! v

(By the way, drones and borgs would be united underneath the same set of laws, so if the AI is subverted, watch out! Space might be unfriendlier than usual!)

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