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Empty Servers in the US
The U.S. Severs remain empty because of a weird Catch-22 situation. People, including me, want to play on a populated server. No one plays on the U.S. server because there are never enough people on. (I'd say the random number of about 30 would be needed to be considered "populated.") Because there is "no one on", only a handful of people (Mainly those who want no one on.), if at all, join the servers. The amount that joins is not enough to convince people who favor populated servers to join. Because no one ultimately joins, the server remains empty, and because it is empty, no one will join. (Side note: This is apparently what lead to the death of Mars Station a long time ago.) Server 4 is permanently populated because it's become learned among players that it is the server to go to for a populated server.

Solution? I don't know. No one does. The big problem is that it has been learned among players to go Sever 4, even if it is empty, because they know people will be there or will go there. The most extreme solution would be to take down 4 for a few days to convince people to play on other servers. Problem with that is either it will have no effect, or it will cause 1 or 2 to become new 4, while screwing over Euro players either temporarily or permanently in all cases.

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