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Change Nuclear Emergency to require 3 disks.
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:
Xeram Wrote:I see you've never played a syndie round where the (stupid) captain decides its a good idea to hide the disk in a box in crate somewhere and forget about it.

Syndies have pinpointers. They know where the disk is. This is why you are a terrible captain if you don't take the disk with you during a nuke-op.
I concede that this is a fair point, but I did not mean to suggest that everyone could just forget about the disk due to it being in a safe. Places tend to be a lot easier to guard and a lot harder to destroy than people, who have a bad habit of being stupid and easy to kill with lightsabers. Having a place to station your security forces and defend is a lot more fair and balanced than trying to figure out where the fuck the Captain is before he gets killed and robbed.

This would turn nuke rounds into less "find the Captain and hope that he isn't dead" and more of a pseudo-tower defense game. This might not be what nuke rounds are going for, but it's something different and, if you ask me, better balanced than what we have now.

Places are not easy to defend, in fact syndies can make a place cease existing easier than they can make a person cease existing because they come loaded with bombs and rocket launchers. One rocket will get you into an area, the next 6 will make it a gaping void. Not to mention the tank transfer bombs. The thing about the disk that makes it harder to steal when people are involved is it's incredible mobility, Captain die? Grab his corpse quickly, get his back off, grab the disk and run around like a greyshirt. Now the syndies have to rebreach, assault, and kill whoever has the disk and everyone around them again. If the disk was simply in a place it'd just be a matter of blowing it the hell up untill you can reach in and grab it. The Captain isn't the most important person on the station to a syndie team. It's whoever has the disk, the captain just has the unfortunate luck of having the responsibility of holding it first. Pinpointers don't track captains. They track the disk.

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