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A Head of Security, and how they can never do their job
Fun seems the operative word here. The HoS is a whitelisted job; choosing to be the HoS implies a degree of responsibility toward encouraging fun not just for yourself, but for everyone in the round. This means putting some intelligent pressure on antags, and keeping shitsec in line.

I've been playing a lot of sec lately, considering applying for a Head of Suffering beret myself. My attitude is that I should meet like with like. If someone is out to openly rampage, that's the game they've chosen and that's the game I'll play with them - who can robust who first. If someone is stealthily murdering I'll put on my detective hat, whip out the forensic scanner and have a go at tracking them. But when people start talking over the radio, hamming it up and playing gimmicks, my leeway suddenly shoots sky high. Let's get the mad bomber some psychological counseling. They're being fun, I want to be fun in return. For the silent murdering types, if I catch them it's time to play my game, provided I'm not being called for a dozen different emergencies all at once. A courtroom drama, a trial by escape pod, feeding ??? pills, taking a limb or three, or just plain swirlies.

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