12-31-2014, 02:21 PM
KikiMofo Wrote:A whitelisted roleWonkmin Wrote:I do honestly believe HoS needs to be played seriously, though. It can't be played like other things as you're responsible for keeping security in line, so you need to be smarter about it than most other roles. You can't just fuck about as it could ruin things by unleashing awful security on people.Pretty much. I agree when you put on the red suit, and or beret you have a responsibility to not be a shit head via supercoping or being a shit sec. I just don't agree with people telling others how they are required to play a role in a nonRP server(and I know you ain't doing that wonk I mean others).
You can definitely go too far though and end up as a supercop and no-one wants that.
that requires people to know you
that requires a reputation to get, of being good
that's meant to help keep security to spice a round up
It's not an assistant with a red suit
It's not a flavor of the day random job with a cool beret
It is a god damn head of security that you must be approved for OOC. If you want to fuck off and do whatever, play another job. There are over a dozen where you can screw around, captain being one of them. The HoS actually has a job to do and it's important to the flow of the game. I'm not saying play supercop, I'm saying try to do your job, you know, the one you applied for.