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A Head of Security, and how they can never do their job
I want to start a discussion on how Head of Security is becoming a special snowflake gimmick job, other than an actual Security officer.

When I play as Head of Security, I try to uphold the law while still giving people fairness. I arrest criminals (people who break in, ID theft, and other awful things) and book them. I am called a bad Head of Security for this after the round ends by other HoS players. When I play as Head of Security, I kill rampaging traitors as they are a threat to myself as well as my crew if I cannot cuff them, or if I do not have cuffs on me. I simply fine and confiscate all items of those not going on a killing spree as I like to keep things interesting. I am called a bad Head of Security for this after the round ends by other HoS players for impeding antagonists. When I play as Head of Security, I am only called a good HoS when I do a gimmick, and when I do not even act as a security officer but an assistant with (nearly) all access. This is an extremely disturbing and awful trend of most HoS players. They do nothing but watch. They take up what is supposed to be a commanding officer, supposed to protect the crew, and instead run gimmicks. If you don't do this, you're considered a bad head of security.

This shit needs to stop. You are not an assistant, you are a security officer held to a higher regard. You are supposed to stop crime and protect your crew, not watch as they are murdered right in front of you and do nothing. Now we see all these HoS apps that say "AS HOS I WILL NOT PUNISH ANYONE, ESPECIALLY NOT TRAITORS". Why? Your job is to be the enemy of traitors. I can see taking a bribe to stay off them, but when they blatantly murder everyone and you just watch, with no interaction with them, you should not be a HoS.

This shit drives me up the fucking wall and it needs to end. If you're gonna be HoS, play as a HoS.

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