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Genetic Combination Map
I think metaneural antennae is missing from the list.
Also, yesterday I found a new one that was interesting with only 4 basepairs, all red, all locked and unable to be researched before unlocking. Unfortunately the shuttle was about 5 minutes away and I was body swapped around by another geneticist's metaneural transfer and didn't get a chance to unlock it. The locks were sets of six of five letter choices (A T G C U). I'll have to try and find it on a monkey next time.

Isaidno, I'm curious about something. Why are the codon-like combinations in sets of four instead of three? I mean, I know SS13 isn't exactly striving for Realism, but it seems like an odd choice.

Brown Note is my new favorite mutation, If only because the murderous potential of that seemingly harmless gene is outrageous. I already accidentally murdered a fellow geneticist [as a traitor] with it while experimenting. whoops.

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