12-27-2014, 04:42 PM
The AI, the captain, any head, anyone who stole a head ID, and anyone with all-access can all call the shuttle, and all of them can recall it except for the AI. That's, what, a half-dozen people? If all of them are dead and gone with lost or destroyed IDs, then the shuttle should probably be allowed to come. Personally, I've found that remedying an early shuttle call is easy - break into the HoP's office and make an all-access ID if you need one, go to the bridge and recall the shuttle, and then wait for the person who called it to come back so you can beat the shit out of them, steal their ID, and chuck them unceremoniously out of the bridge.
The thing I don't like about voting is that it's low-effort. Someone put a whole lot of effort to call or block the shuttle, foiling it should take more effort than just clicking a verb.
The thing I don't like about voting is that it's low-effort. Someone put a whole lot of effort to call or block the shuttle, foiling it should take more effort than just clicking a verb.