12-11-2014, 07:45 AM
The suggestions above would all be nice additions to the brainbot thing after the base concept is rolled out.
That is in a nutshell:
Quote:Brainbot: Vat + Brain.
Brainbot cannot move but can be picked up. Can speak and talk on the radio. Can access stuff remotely like a cyborg, concerning doors depending on ID swiped. Can be smashed if thrown against something, ejecting the brain. Doesn't require any tools to activate, literally shove a brain in a vat, r-click --> activate. A hat can be put on the brainbot.
Quote:Brain-buddy: Brainbot+arm+threads
Brainbuddy has all the pros/cons of the brainbot, only that it cannot be picked up. It can move around and pick up an object with it's robotic hand, with the pro that it cannot be disarmed (note that this pro is balanced due to the fact that the vat can be broken very easily, they have less hp than beepsky) Hitting a brainbuddy with a wrench twice will remove the arm and threads respectively, demoting the poor bastard back to a brainbot.
Those are the base concepts. The addition of brains to critters/mobs and everything else is something that can be looked at later, but personally if the above was added I think that would be