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VAMPIRE REVAMP (Very Work In Progress Idea) (Rough Draft)

I think changing some of the properties of a vampire would be in order as well. Vampires are supposed to be an undead monstrosity; Vampire Serum even stops your heart as it turns you into one. In-game however they're quite not like that. They're pretty much humans with a peculiar diet and an allergy to space and preachy men. Here's my two cents.

Being one of the Undead:
- Vampires do not need to breathe and can survive without oxygen.
- Vampires have a slight resistance to cold, i.e. it still slows them down but the damage it inflicts is lessened.
- Going out into space still burns the vampire (and maybe boils out his blood reserves). Same thing with the chapel.
- Holy Water in addition to burning vampires, burns out their blood reserves as well.
- Vampires bleed slower than humans, as their heart is not functional.
- Vampires that have not fed recently do not show up on thermals. This would come into effect in dark areas, i.e. maintenance tunnels.

In addition to the family trees, I think every vampire should have some basic abilities they can all use. Maybe:

Blood Smelling (Tier 1 Power)
- Changed to a global ability. Can be also used to track the general location of a certain person, i.e. assassination target.
- An overlay goes over blood-sucking-eligible targets that can be seen through walls and is a deeper red depending on amount of blood (WHITE IF PREFERED BLOOD TYPE. Tasty!)

Count Assistant takes a deep breath.

Shadowstep (Tier 2 Toggleable Power)
- Vampire can fade into shadows if he is standing in a dark place for a time. Kinda like how the chameleon mutation works, except only in certain places.

Count Assistant fades into/steps out of the shadows.

Purge Blood (Tier 3 Power)
- Vampire can choose to purge all foreign matter (reagents) in his bloodstream at the cost of some of his blood.

Count Assistant starts bleeding from every pore of his body! Holy shit!

Heightened Senses (Tier 4 Passive Power)
- Vampire has permanent thermal vision.

Terrifying Presence (Tier 4 Power)
- Everyone in sight range of the vampire when he pops this start dropping their held items and suffer from movement confusion/slowdown. Kinda like how changeling scream works, I guess.

Count Assistant suddenly towers over you, its eyes a burning red glow, fangs bared!
Count Assistant bellows, "BLUH!"

The Blood Magic tree looks kinda weak to be honest, excluding the final power. I'd change it to something like this:

Gaze --> Chill Blood (Tier 1 Power) (III)
- Deal 0.05 cold damage for each blood unit the target has (500 = 25 damage) and puts their body temperature at 0 (they walk super slow as a result)

Blood Shield (Tier 2 Toggleable Power) (III)
- Makes a really obvious shield that surrounds the vampire, protecting him from some damage for a time.

Blood Missile (Tier 3 Power) (III)
- Kinda like a combination of Wizard Magic Missile and Ice Beam, except blood. Leaves a trail blood that slips people and stuns briefly if the projectile hits them, the usual.

Mist form -> blood form (Tier 4 Power) (III)
- instead of the weird pseudo-phase shift that doesn't work most of the time, you turn into a blood mist thing
- uses blood while you're in the form, leaves a trail of it

Blood Summoning tree is kinda repeating as well. Maybe getting higher levels of this tree upgrades the starting ones, cutting out some of the repeats?

Rejuvenate -> Summon Spiders (Tier 1 Power) (IV)
- These cute little spiders LOVE to suck blood, just like you! They are also very nice tailors, and will sew up your wounds in exchange for the tasty treat (You get the "Spiders" overlay, some fast regeneration, and a high blood loss per second while using it) (WARNING: IF YOU RUN OUT OF BLOOD WHILE THE SPIDERS ARE IN EFFECT THEY WILL START EATING YOUR FLESH IN ANGER!!!)

Summon Bats (Tier 2 Power) (IV)
- Dawwww!!!! C: These little guys want to play with your friends! Unfortunately for your "friends", their definition of "play" is savagely biting them
When tree is upgraded to level 4 ->
- Summons 2 Dire Bats that screech when summoned and ravenously suck the blood out of the first poor sap they see

Diseased Touch --> Summon Blacker Widow (Tier 3 Power) (IV)
- Call forth a giant ass spider with a deadly as fuck bite that protects you as if you were a bee-mom. DO NOT MESS WITH SPIDER-MAMA

Summon Blood Golem (Tier 4 Power) (IV)
- Creates a golem made out of blood. It coats the floor in blood as it walks around and has a chance of causing some of the old diseases when it punches you, like Grave Fever or MRSA. Explodes into a cloud of blood when killed.
- Maybe has a chance to create a Bloodling instead of the golem.

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