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VAMPIRE REVAMP (Very Work In Progress Idea) (Rough Draft)
Haine and I tossed around a couple ideas to revamp the vampire antagonist and here's the first rough draft of what we came up with. Please offer ideas/thoughts

Power families:
I. Blood Control
II. Blood Expansion
III. Blood Magic
IV. Blood Summoning
Four "families" of powers and four "tiers" for each family
- You can only access Tier 2/3 of Blood ____ if you have the Tier 1/2 of Blood ____
- You get one "level up" for every 500 units of blood consumed
- Each "blood level up" you get allows you to unlock 1 power
- On spawn, you pick 1 power family to permanently lose access to
- You start with Tier I of each power family you're allowed

Preferred Blood Type:

- A randomly assigned blood type is "delicious" to the vampire. Heals damage and offers 1.25 times the blood points when consumed (People looking through medical records for B+ blood are supicious!!)

Hypnotize --> Still Blood (Tier 1 Power) (I)
- Gives them a temporary heart failure that cause oxyloss (they can't breathe! Therefore cannot call for help) (Requires Touch)

Freeze Blood (Tier 2 Power): (I)
- Completely stops their heart (requires touch)

Blood Puppet (Tier 3 Power): (I)
- Temporarily turn a single target into a hostile NPC for a number of seconds equal to 1/10 their amount of blood * rand(1,2) (e.g., at 500 blood, 50-100 seconds, at 250 blood, 25-50 seconds) They take 1 bruteloss every second they are a puppet (Requires Touch)

Thrall (Tier 4 Power): (I)
- Someone's blood permanently obeys you! They are a mindslave to your whims! (Requires Touch)

Spell: 'blood walking'?? something like that (Tier 1 Power) (II)
- lets out some bloodsmoke that you can't slip on yourself/makes you unable to slip on blood in general while it's active?
- flee, flee, run away

Boil Blood (Tier 2 Power): (II)
- Deal 0.2 heat damage for each blood unit the target has (500 = 100 damage) and causes them to evaporate out 1/5 (500 = 100) of their blood (no bleeding damage dealt). Deals a lot of damage but makes them less tasty!! The evaporated blood turns into a red mist and is super obvious (does not leave blood decals) (Requires Touch)

Blood Swelling (Tier 3 Power): (II)
- Target produces ten times as much blood as they usually do and does not stop at the cap of 500. Starts dealing brute damage if they go over a certain amount (Synergizes with blood-damaging powers by making them more powerful, also a great thing to do to a thrall if you want to feed off them without killing them) (Requires Touch)

Blood Pop (Tier 4 Power): (II)
- POP, All of the target's blood explodes out of them. All their blood is gone, a misty vapor. They will probably die soon. Does a base 50 brute as their blood just ripped out of every pore, but that's probably not going to be their primary concern (requires Touch)

Gaze --> Chill Blood (Tier 1 Power) (III)
- Deal 0.05 cold damage for each blood unit the target has (500 = 25 damage) and puts their body temperature at 0 (they walk super slow as a result)

Thermal Vision --> Blood Smelling (Tier 2 Power) (III)
- An overlay goes over blood-sucking-eligible targets that can be seen through walls and is a deeper red depending on amount of blood (WHITE IF PREFERED BLOOD TYPE. Tasty!)

X-Ray Vision --> Blood Window (Tier 3 Power) (III)

- Walls with blood decals on them are magically see-through for you. Because magic.

Mist form -> blood form (Tier 4 Power) (III)
- instead of the weird pseudo-phase shift that doesn't work most of the time, you turn into a blood mist thing
- uses blood while you're in the form, leaves a trail of it

Rejuvenate -> Summon Spiders (Tier 1 Power) (IV)
- These cute little spiders LOVE to suck blood, just like you! They are also very nice tailors, and will sew up your wounds in exchange for the tasty treat (You get the "Spiders" overlay, some fast regeneration, and a high blood loss per second while using it) (WARNING: IF YOU RUN OUT OF BLOOD WHILE THE SPIDERS ARE IN EFFECT THEY WILL START EATING YOUR FLESH IN ANGER!!!)

Summon Bats (Tier 2 Power) (IV)
- Dawwww!!!! C: These little guys want to play with your friends! Unfortunately for your "friends", their definition of "play" is savagely biting them

Diseased Touch --> Summon Blacker Widow (Tier 3 Power) (IV)
- Call forth a giant ass spider with a deadly as fuck bite that protects you as if you were a bee-mom. DO NOT MESS WITH SPIDER-MAMA

Chiropteran Screech --> Summon Vampire Bats (Tier 4 Power) (IV)
- Summons 2 Dire Bats that screech when summoned and ravenously suck the blood out of the first poor sap they see

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