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make salt rust fire extinguishers shut
Grayshift Wrote:I agree that salt + extinguisher is overpowered, but salt alone is underpowered. Running back and forth from chem dispenser with a mere 9-10 salt tiles to show for it each time is worthless.

Alternate suggestion 1: Scuffing salt lines. Spacemen passing over salt disturb the line, or have a chance to break it at least. Make an unbroken line be required to actually trigger wraith corporeality (ie, a salt tile requires two adjacent tiles to also be salty to be effective) so that stray single tiles don't catch the wraith out.

Alternate suggestion 2: Find a middle way, something between the overpowered extinguisher and underpowered and wasteful beakers. Being able to leave a trail of salt from a container (like laying cable coil), each tile only draining 3-4 units, sounds acceptable.

Alternate suggestion 3: Overuse of salt attracts rampant space deer who begin goring the crew with their laser antlers.

So basically make salt the elbereth of ss13, its great, until it gets smudged, at which point its completely useless. Speaking of that, would Invoking Elbereth on your floor tile protect you from the wraith?

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