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make salt rust fire extinguishers shut
I agree that salt + extinguisher is overpowered, but salt alone is underpowered. Running back and forth from chem dispenser with a mere 9-10 salt tiles to show for it each time is worthless.

Alternate suggestion 1: Scuffing salt lines. Spacemen passing over salt disturb the line, or have a chance to break it at least. Make an unbroken line be required to actually trigger wraith corporeality (ie, a salt tile requires two adjacent tiles to also be salty to be effective) so that stray single tiles don't catch the wraith out.

Alternate suggestion 2: Find a middle way, something between the overpowered extinguisher and underpowered and wasteful beakers. Being able to leave a trail of salt from a container (like laying cable coil), each tile only draining 3-4 units, sounds acceptable.

Alternate suggestion 3: Overuse of salt attracts rampant space deer who begin goring the crew with their laser antlers.

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