01-09-2013, 05:33 PM
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:The problem I have with Security and the Heads of Staff, is the fact it is simply better to ally with them as a Gang, and help them take the other gangs down, then working together with other gangs to stop Security from interfering in their way of life. I'm concerned that this will lead to gang rounds being more of a "Who convinces the Captain to ally with them first so they have free reign of the station", then actually competing and dealing with other gangs.
I like the idea of getting objectives, like "Make Sure all Parts of Security, Bridge, and Brig are tagged by your gang." Or, "Kill Buff Gruff, the Corrupt Busta Captain." I would prefer gangs be more inclined to fight Security and assist other gangs, then the other way around.
But then it's just rev all over again.